Retrospective Painted Canvas Collages
1993 to 2011

These are original works, formed by bringing together pieces of previously painted acrylic on canvas.  They range in size from Miniatures  to  extra large 60 x 48 inch canvases.   I use remainders of unfinished canvases from past years and offcuts from the shaping of canvases in recent years, providing me with a very large palette from which to compose.  

I start with the bands of collage and add, paint in colour which enhances the pre painted collage.  In the larger collages the increased size allows for a more open space, if desired, and gives the individual works an enhanced , characteristic of one colour.   My compositions have associations with forms in nature, especially landscape, foliage, rocks and mountains. These associations  are inherent and are cultivated in the topographical way in which I paint (pouring paint flat on the floor, allowing and causing, fissures the paint to form) and in the many past painting techniques I have employed. The range of colour and composition of these pieces is typical of my full palette and shares the same positive spirit as in all my paintings ,prints and watercolours.

My compositions and palette are also influenced by the characteristics of the collage I have on hand, and ranges from a multi banded compositions of more  similar widths, to open compositions with fewer bands, and more open areas of painted colour. This opening up mostly of the middle of the canvas became the predominate 'motif ''of the larger and generally later works of 2011.

I have no rules. I follow what my eye and what my senses tell me , in my attempt to unify, the expression and character,  pictorially of whatever I do. I naturally summon all the principles of painting that I have practiced over  any years of painting see Thoughts on Painting, or read the full  Painted Canvas Collages Introduction here.

You can learn more about my painted canvas collages by exploring the links on the left.

Click on the Extra Large image for information about the Easter Island Suite and other individual collages.

Click on the Large image for more about the May, Fall and Polish Suites.

Click on the Medium link to go directly to the Summer Suite gallery. Just close that window to return to this page.

Click on the Regular page to learn more about the early Bruxelles and Armory Suites, and the more recent Turkish and One Eleven Suites.

Click on the Miniatures link to visit the Miniatures gallery directly. Just close that window to return to this page.