The Coeur de Lion Paintings 2001
(irregular dimensional shaped acrylic canvases)
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In this group of smaller mid-sized works I discovered a range of expressions. 'Deep Forest' is named after the musical group whose music and that of the greens of my painting suggested to me a tribal forest jungle experience. The paintings have the proportions of the human torso and are titled Heart of a Lion because I liked the sound of this in French and I am also a Leo. The painting 'Madame' is so named for its feminine french character. 'Piaf' (left) is named after the singer Edith Piaf, as the picture has a rich edgy quality, like her voice.
This group of works shows the wide range of my palette, from the silver black very cool Asian elegance of 'Oriental Slice' through the Gainsborough Englishness of 'Blue Boy'. 'Sail Away' expresses a sunny day of sailing, something that I enjoy and would like to do more of. In short, the titling of my works often expresses the characteristics I sense in the work which emerge through my palette choices.
I do not consciously make decisions to portray my sense of things, but rather I allow my senses, my materials and my response to my work, to guide me in my artistic discovery and sense of life which is reflected in my titles.